Sunday, May 5, 2013

Chapter 14: Illegal Cat Breeding Scheme

Suchandra is making a tradition of being the one to take his grandchildren to the cake on their birthdays.

The baby is at the cake. Where the hell is everyone?

Finally, the family starts gathering on the patio.

Oh, yeah, Lourdes is finally pregnant.

"See, my husband's swimmers work just fine."

Sitara becomes a toddler.

I wonder where Darleen and Suchandra have gone off to? Right, of course, they're in one of their son's beds.

Being a good family-oriented Sim, Kiran immediately rolls wishes to teach his new toddler all her toddler skills.

Suresh running off to work the next morning. Suresh is rising quickly on the corporate ladder, getting promotions and raises steadily. He's currently the main source of income, pulling around $800 a day to Kiran's $300.

Suresh, hearing himself praised, turns his head toward the camera. "I am the King of Bringing Home the Bacon."

Well, technically, bacon doesn't exist in your world.

"What kind of crapsack world is this? Can I get a transfer? Maybe you could set me up in one those 100 baby challenge deals?"

I don't know, Suresh, it took you long enough to father your first child...

Chelsea, the Eco-Friendly PI.

Chelsea's LTW is to reach the top of the PI career. SP had placed her in the medical career before Kiran married her, but she rolled a wish to join the PI career pretty much right away. She was also on maternity leave when she married in to the family, and she was staying home to care for Tamira. Then she got pregnant again in Egypt, so it's taken this long to finally get around to the career change.

PI is the one Ambitions career I've actually never played. I can already tell it's going to be hours of fun, checking through mail and rummaging through garbage. 

(It's also sadly broken with UL, half of the 'cases' she gets offered are to study at home or in the library to help with 'finals'. I've been having to send her into the police building over and over, rejecting the bogus study jobs until a real case comes up.)

Chelsea's sleuthing uncovers an illegal cat breeding scheme. These people have 6 cats living their one bedroom house.

Chelsea has to hack into someone's computer for her job. She has no idea what she's doing and breaks the laptop.

"Aaagh! This laptop was fine when I left for work this morning! Aaagh!!"

After his little hissy fit, Suresh mans up and rolls a wish to fix the damn thing.

"You wouldn't survive this challenge with out me, you know."

I think you might be right, Suresh.

"So, we just sit around all day watching TV?" Sitara asks.

"I need to reach level 6 in Cooking, to be able to read this cobbler recipe book, so I can satisfy my craving for grape cobbler."

"How would you like to taxi that big 757 down my runway?"

"Excuse me? Did you just say..."

"You heard me, big boy."

Lourdes goes into labor in the pre-dawn hours.

Suresh and Lourdes both wanted a boy, and actually got one. Meet little Aurelio.

Yeah, I'm never going to get tired of this. 

In case your sarcasm meter isn't functioning, I already hate this career. =P

She's already had her baby, but, finally, Lourdes can satisfy that pregnancy craving for grape cobbler. Funny how no matter what fruit goes into the cobbler, they all come out of the oven looking the same.

Tamira: Yay! It's my birthday!

Sitara: I'm going to go see what's on TV.

Tamira ages up to child.

And Aurelio ages up to toddler right after her.

The next day is Spooky Day, and Suresh drives his wife, son and niece to the festival for a few hours before Kiran's Feast Party starts up.

"Why can't we have a costume party? Feast parties are boring!" Tamira complains.

"I wish we could have a costume party, too," Suresh says, "And if I were heir, my wishes would dominate. Instead, we have to have the boring party your father wished for."

"Well, I wish you were heir, Uncle Suresh."

"I clearly am the better candidate for heir," Suresh agrees, "But I guess some people don't recognize quality when they see it." 

Passive-aggressive much, Suresh?

"I like feast parties," Lourdes chimes in from the backseat.

Darleen and Suchandra are already at the festival, so they are invited in on the family greeting card photo.

Suresh plays with Fred Philips, who seems to live at this park.

"I am the King of Pu---"

No, just, no, Suresh. Don't say it. I'm warning you.


I told you not to go there.

Suresh: Smirks.

While this is going on, I hear the lullaby of a successful try for baby. There's nothing on the festival lot for anyone to woohoo in, so I guessed that maybe some NPCs were going at in the nearby City Hall rabbithole.

After wasting a few hours doing nothing at the festival, Suresh et al head home for the feast party.

"You ever wonder what it would have been like if we were conjoined twins?"

"Actually, no, Suresh, the thought never crossed my mind. Go clip into someone else."

Here's Dion, Kamala and Alvaro's son.

What's with the deer in the headlights expression, Dion?

I was totally bald just two seconds ago! This hair just showed up on my head from nowhere!

Oh, I just abducted you and took you to CAS.  Some people wanted to see a picture of you, and I had to make you presentable.

Who are you? Who are you showing pictures of me to? Get out of my head, crazy voice!

Calm down, Dion. You aren't in the active family, so you won't have me bugging you very often.

And Darshan, now aged to YA.

"Seriously? This is the best picture you could get of me? I'm way better looking than this!"

I know, sorry, Darshan. These parties are always such chaos, I forget to get good pictures of everyone. Look on the bright side; you are the most downloaded Sim on my studio on the exchange. You've been downloaded more times than Suresh.

Shelly Boyd shamelessly flirts with Rajendra in front of his new wife, Leslie, officially earning the 'Homewrecker' title. Just ask Alvaro, Shelly, once you earn a label, it pretty much sticks to you forever.

I'm good with that.

I know Chelsea wants another baby, but as far as I know, she's not pregnant...

You left Kiran and me alone here while you were watching Suresh at the festival. What did you think was going to happen?

Was that lullaby I heard you guys?


It's a battle of the the sisters-in-laws as Darshan's wife Monica gets into a fight with Rajendra's wife Leslie. Ezra, Darleen and Suchandra's youngest son, wonders how he ended up in such a toxic family.

Yah, well, it's not a party until someone's woohooing in their hosts' beds.

Tamira plays with Treble, a dog Suchandra adopted after Kiran and Suresh moved out. 

Shelly doubles down on the homewrecker title, flirting with Rajendra in front of her fiance, Orlando.

Please, Shelly, I need you to make at least one baby with Orlando before you drive him off.

Don't worry, I have him wrapped around my finger.

Well, I hope so, because I want you two to stay together, even if I feel kind of bad for him.

The battle of the sisters-in-law carries on unabated. That's what feast parties are for, I guess. 

It's a feast party, and no has sat down to eat anything yet. Instead they are all just loitering around the entrance. When Sitara starts crying, I'm about ready to call this party over.

Tamira gets to know her uncle Ezra. Ezra clearly wants out of this crazy family. 

Look on the bright side, kid, at least this isn't an ISBI.

"You're still going to marry me, even though I'm a shameless homewrecking hussy, right?"

"I don't know, what are my options?"

None, I guess. As soon as they got home from this party, Shelly and Orlando got married.


  1. hahahahaha so funny. The kids are too cute. And Darshan is a hottie!

    Glad Suresh's swimmers finally took hold.

    Poor Orlando. Hopefully Shelley will calm down now that she's married.

    1. Thanks, jaz!
      Darshan did grow up nicely. He looks a lot like his father.
      Suresh's swimmers finally made it. =D
      I know, I feel bad for Orlando, his wife is so shameless. I hope they make cute babies, and soon.

  2. I died. You like killing me.

    The whole 747 thing. I burst out laughing, and my boyfriend looked over and was like 'you and your stupid sim stories'. Hmph. Supportive. Oh well, his loss!

    Oh course, Fred Philips has become a regular charcter now, I'll be sad when he dies. And the ritual woohoo.

    I hate the PI profession too. It's fine if you're playing one sim, as all the ambitions careers are, but when you have anyone else to think about it's just annoying.

    All the kids are gorgeous, and Tamira looks less yellow now she's older (or did you tone it down a bit?)

    Oh, Shelley. Poor Orlando. There's more drama between your townies than your active family, right now! That makes a change from the RL, doesn't it :p

    Darshan looks just like Suchandra! So weird.
    Have Suchandra and Darleen had any more kids besides Ezra since you left them? Has Darleen had her girl?

    1. I'm glad someone liked my airplane joke.
      Fred Philips seems to be always at the festival grounds. I learned recently that he lives with the Loera-Dreamers, so it's weird he has his own last name. Usually they have the same last name as their owners, I think.
      I've come to hate all the AMB and SHT careers for that reason, it's a pain to pay attention to them while you also have other Sims.
      I didn't do anything with Tamira's skin tone. I think it's less bright looking when she's not in direct sunlight, though.

      LOL, yeah, right now there's not a lot of drama in the family, so Shelly has to make up for it. But it is a nice change of pace from the RL. I still have more sets to build for that, underground vault thing.

      Suchandra and Darleen have not had any more kids, so, no girl for Darleen. But it's just as well, the town is going to end up al related in a couple generations as it is.

  3. Suresh is the king of everything, even if not the heir. Being the king will just have to suffice to satisfy his need to be important. At least he's not ignored.
    Holy fucking hell. Suresh in a 100 baby challenge! whoa. That would be... um... interesting.

    Thank you for the warning about the PI career problems. That's what I rolled for Brooke's spouse. I did it when ambitions first came out, and I liked it then. I got a kick out of the dumpster diving, so I'll hopefully get away with doing a little of that with him. Also, my sim became a town hero for all her heroic deeds at hacking into people personal files and completing what I've learned are FedEx jobs. Don't know why they celebrated that, but she got a trophy out of the deal. And let's not forget the balloons!
    I did Not get the sarcasm, so I had a real laugh when I realized you were kidding. :D

    I'm glad no one was here to hear me roar with laughter up to the roof of my house when I read the line about the 747 on the runway. I'm going to be laughing at that for days!

    king of the pussy. Really, Suresh? Like you didn't understand what that sounds like. It ain't obvious to you what people would think when you say that? oh, I could really... nevermind.

    Yep, family gathering = family drama and fighting in-laws. It just wasn't Christmas until Grandmother could offend someone. (sorry, Grandmother!) Only because she loved us and worried.

    *gets distracted reading your response to response in SWNT* LOL!

    Awesome shot of everyone mentally complaining about a screaming toddler. Drives me nuts when everyone complains about it, but nobody Does anything about it! So true to life, actually... hm.

    Loved this as always. :)

    1. That's true, Suresh does get a lot of attention. LOL, I can't picture Suresh in a 100 baby challenge...

      I probably would have liked PI better when it was new, but I never got around to it. And then I started playing RLs and I never rolled it. Now, i"m just so not into the active careers and fed ex missions. =P And it is annoying to get case after case of offers to study at the library.
      LOL, my hairdressers have gotten town celebrations as well...though I guess that makes sense considering the crappy random generated outfits that the Sim who gives them all makeovers is the town hero. =P
      Yay, another who like my 747 joke. =D

      Suresh is the King of Wieners and Pussy. I wonder if he knows what it sounds like...

      Darshan's wife seems to have one of those traits that makes her picks fights with everyone. So she will be a great source of drama at all the family parties.

      I love it when a room full of Sims all mentally complain about a toddler.


  4. Wow! A lot going on in this one! Glad to see that Suresh finally has offspring.

    Can't wait to see if Chelsea will be wearing maternity wear in the next update :)\

    I can't believe shelly got married; I have a feeeling she is going to wreck it.

    Glad to see Darleen hasn't reached elder yet, but I guess it will be coming soon.

    1. Suresh finally did it!

      Yeah, Chelsea might have another on the way. Though it was weird to hear the baby chime so far away from the house.
      Shelly certainly doesn't seem to respect marriage, the way she flirts with married men. I feel bad for Orlando, but I do want the two of them to make some nice babies.
      Darleen will be turning elder soon, I think.

  5. How is Darlene not an elder yet? That was kind of surprising. But it is nice to see that Suchandra is the king of cakes. When will Suresh try to usurp that title?

    Love how Kiran is assuring that his daughter's first word will be 'Yeti'. lol

    And Suresh in his suit is a lovely sight! Nice!

    So I hadn't realized just how much Suresh and Kamala look alike until I saw them that close together. Wow.

    Woot for the Fred Philips sighting! And you didn't check relationship statuses of your active household to see? I would have. I totally would have just to know just in case. But then, I'm a control freak and would never be able to do this challenge at all. You have my awe.

    Wow! Shelly is a real piece of work! Poor Orlando! He's got a handful to deal with. And the sister in law catfights were awesome! I don't blame you for wanting to end that feast party right then. That was a lot going on.

    1. I think Darleen will turn elder in a few days. She must be pretty close to it by now. I think it's adorable that Suchandra has been the one to take his grandkids to the cake. It's weird you can't control that. The game likes to pick on the oldest relative, it seems. In my legacies it's usually a grandparent that does it, but they also usually live on the lot.

      I should have said something funny about Sitara's first word.

      Suresh does look good in his suit. Yeah, he and Kamala do look a lot alike.

      This whole challengefor me is like therapy for my normally very controlling playstyle. Having one game where I let chaos rein, lol.

      The parties are a great source of drama, tht's for sure. I'm not sure if I should keep inviting Shelly, lol. Her flirting ways cou;d destroy a lot of marriages, including her own.
      I'm looking forward to when Kiran reaches the point in his political career that he has to throw fundraising parties.

  6. Uh... So Suresh smirked when you mentioned him saying he was the King Of Pussy. Does he know more than he lets on? Or is he just trying to say he's the King of Sex now that his wife is pregnant? Forgive me, my Lord Suresh, I will stop questioning your ways. You are perfect, as always.
    LOL really Lourdes? You look like you're ready to pop and you want to play with Suresh's 747?
    Kiran? You want to scare your child with stories of yetis? Now she's going to be looking under her bed for monsters. Just created yourself a problem, my friend.
    Good to know the PI career is odd. I find those interactive careers to be quite time consuming and irritating if that's not the focus of your game.
    It's also good to know that Darshan will join Suchandra in the ranks of sexy grandparent when he gets to be that age.
    Why is Darshan's wife arguing with Rajendra's wife? Shouldn't Rajendra's wife be arguing with Shelly for flirting with Rajendra? *shrugs* Oh by the way, Shelly, if you're trying to get me as a friend because you heard about me and Alvaro, I only make friends with men who do that. And what the heck, Orlando's a hottie!

    1. LOL, maybe Suresh does know more than he lets on.
      My Sims never let anything stop their woohooing...about to have a baby, just had a baby,it's all good to them.

      All the AMB careers have been broken for me at different times from different EPs. And even when they do work, they kind of suck if you aren't playing a single Sim.
      Darshn will definitely be a sexy grandpa someday. First he has to make some babies, though.
      Yeah, totally, Rajendra's wife really should be slapping Shelly around for flirting with her husband. But Darshan's wife likes to pick fights.
      And, hell yeah, Orlando is a hottie and Shelly's a fool to be running out on him.

    2. LOL. I'll take Orlando since Shelly's a dummy. Haha.

    3. I'm sure Orlando would love the attention. His wife is a bit distracted. =P

  7. Oh my goodness. The insanity in this chapter. LOVED IT.

  8. Oh the lovely PI career, I was never so happy to say bye bye to a career than I was to that one! It was so tedious! lol Same thing over and over and over... It has been forever removed from my future rolls!
    King Suresh is also the King of Fashion, he looks good in that striped suit!
    I loved the illegal cats, that was great! Almost like an episode of Pet Hoarders (only they needed about 30 more cats!)
    All of your sims are so good looking! The toddlers are adorable! I don't think I've ever seen that hair that Dion has, is it a newer one? Whatever it is, I like it, and it looks good on him. I wish I could figure out why so many sims age up with bald heads! I think my town is suffering from cancer or something!
    When you heard the baby chimes, did you have either Kiran or Chelsea as the active sim? If so, that may be why you heard it (if indeed it was them) since distance doesn't seem to matter as much as which sim is active. You're not supposed to be able to hear the baby chime if one of the sims who are tfb are not active either. So I've heard anyway, lol
    Great chapter! Loved it! =)

    1. I've never played PI before. It does seem more tedious than the other AMBcareer. Though they get tedious too. But t least they are fun the first time. PI, yeah, not so much. Go see this person, go dig through mail/trash, hack computer, report back...bleh.
      I've also removed the AMB careers from my random legacy rolls (and the SHT ones as well, since I don't want to have to add all those useless performance venues), but Chelsea had the LTW fo the PI career when she moved in. I'll either have to tough out this job or change her LTW.

      Suresh does look good in his suit. He's quite the businessman.

      With the new SP, I suddenly have a ton of pets breeding in the neighborhood. I'm constantly getting pop ups about some neighborhood cat or dog having a litter. I do like it in a way. I remember when I first got Pets and was playing in AP, after the first gen pets died out, I was having to use MC to add new pets to families. So it's great SP handles adoptions and lets the pets breed. But, 6 cats in a one bedroom house...yeah. I'm going to have to look at those settings, lol.

      I don't think it's a new hair Dion has, but I just got that retexture of it somewhere. I think it's originally a Newswea.
      I think the bald came with aliens in Seasons, and yeah, I'm getting a lot of age ups in that. It's creepy.

      I don't remember who was active when I heard the chimes. And I actually thought I had tfb autonmous turned off, but I know they don't chime for risky. So, someone was trying for baby behind my back, lol.


  9. HAHA! See I knew Suresh should be heir! He's making more money! The PI career is one of the first I've played when Ambitions come out, it was fun then! Sucks to hear that it is glitched though. I like the ambitions career but it's hard to have them with a large family...and then of course Suresh proves his worth again by fixing the laptop. If no one else will appreciate Suresh then I will!

    Also. Fred Phillips!

  10. hahahaha the hot-tub scene. *LOL*
    And the car scene with Suresh and Tamira (she's adorable) he really is never going to let you forget he was the better choice. ^_^

    1. Suresh was clearly the better choice for heir, Clearly!
