Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lot Download: Modern Studio


This small Modern Studio house was originally built for a decorater's challenge at Rebel Writer's Nirvana. The shell was built by Artist Kate, and participants had to furnish it with a budget of 15k or less.
I placed this lot in Lucky Palms and had Kamala buy it when she moved out. She spent one night there, marrying Alvaro the next day. The house later appears in the story in Chapter 15, and I figured since I had it up on mediafire already, I might as well post it here.
The house is as I made it for RWN, I made a few changes for the version I placed in LP.
Link to RWN Challenge thread

SLIDESHOW of house pictures

Lot size 10x15

CC used (you must download separately)
Basic Column 3 by armiel, from the DIY Build Set

Simple Kitchen Counters and Island by plasticbox

International Windows Counter Height by HugeLunatic