Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Chapter 19: Ticket to the Heir Spot

"Curse you, Slot Machine!"

 Kiran is holding his big presidential campaign fundraiser at the casino.

"When I'm leader of the free world, I'll see to it that funding for arts programs is doubled," Kiran promises his brother Darshan, who followed into their mother's career as an art appraiser. Apparently that's been quite lucrative for Darshan, because I just that morning saw a pop up about him buying an A/C Cobra, one of the most expensive CC cars in my game. Of course, he's a genie and can just summon up money, too. Not that they ever did that when I was playing them.

Later, Kiran will promise his power broker brother Suresh to cut corporate taxes.

"Kiran will be leader of the free world, but he'll be in my pocket. I'm King of the Universe, Master of All I Survey!"

Suresh has upgraded himself since he moved out. He's also aged up to Adult now.

"I will demand that wieners be declared the national food!"

Way to flex your power, Suresh.

Back at home, Tamira makes use of the hot tub with her boyfriend Jamie.

"Listen, I have it on good authority that the magic voice is weak for gingers. If you age up well enough, you could be my ticket to the heir spot."

It's shamefully true. Jamie, with his red hair and green eyes, has the power to throw my heir vote out the window. But you have to wish to marry him, Tamira!

Across town, a family watches knives juggling themselves.

As a side note, I have my SP set to allow no one of any age or caste to take jobs in the Showtime careers, and I have no stages or performance clubs in LP. But the game insists on spawning a pudding to perform for tips around town anyway. I guess this one is too ashamed to actually show himself and performs invisibly.

"You can't kill me off if you can't see me! Ha ha!"

Actually, I can. But there's no point, since another pudding would be spawned to take your place.

Kiran wakes up the next morning in mourning for his mother, who died while he was asleep.

"So, quickie before work?"

"Chelsea, my mother just died."

"That's so sad! Do you want to get it on or what?"

Timothy aged up to YA. Not surprisingly,  since he's a virtuoso, he went into the music career.

"I'm cute enough to be Sitara's ticket to the heir spot, right?"

Kairavi has an after school date with Josue.

"My dad has this election in the bag!"

The red head on the left, Alisha Lancaster, is a. The woman Alvaro kissed to earn his dirty cheating bastard reputation, b. Jamie Lancaster's mom (with Donovan Steel, now deceased. She had two kids by him, but they never married or lived together) c. Suchandra's future love interest, after a suitable period of mourning for Darleen. Around 2 days.

(To Gemma, as far as I know, Jamie's dad, Donovan Steel, is not related to Christopher Steel. )

It didn't tale Kairavi anywhere near as long as it took Sitara to get physical with her romantic interest.

"So, woohoo?"

"Chelsea, my mom just died!"

"Ugh, how long is the timer on that stupid mourning moodlet?"

Tamira goes out snake hunting before school the next morning. Her LTW is to catch 20 small critters, which includes insects. Normally, this LTW is so easy that I never take it. But in a wishacy, it's harder, since she can only do it when she wishes for it. So far, she gets about one wish per week, and has caught a total of 6 animals.

"Maybe I can catch a unicorn!"

Unicorns don't count. They also don't exist in Lucky Palms.

"Why not?"

Because I said so. With the help of Register mod.

Kiran has Tuesday off work. So he hangs out on the patio drowning his sorrow with quick drinks.

And fulfilling his wife's wish to skinny dip with him.

"I can make you feel better, you know," Chelsea promises.

Kiran's career progress bar is really high (no, that's not an innuendo about what's going on in the hot tub) and he'll be promoted the next when he's finished his shift. Which will fulfill his LTW to be Leader of the Free World, and thus he'll be ready to pass on the heir torch.

Tamira comes home from school and heads straight for the bar.

"It's my birthday today. I'm going to be a YA!"

Kiran is throwing his most likely to be heir a birthday party. Lourdes shows up sporting the ubiquitous pig tail hairstyle. I quickly change her in CAS.

Yo, Chelsea, guests are starting to arrive. Maybe it's not the best time to choose to skinny dip?

And here's Jamie Lancaster, coming to secure his girlfriend's hold on the heir position. He aged up the night before.

Here are before and after pictures of Jamie in CAS. Everyone ages up in pigtails now. It really as become the hot fashion trend in Lucky Palms.

So, I know I kind of maybe built up expectations about his looks in my comments in the last chapter. Jamie is not the most beautiful male Sim I've ever had or anything, but as I mentioned, I'm weak for gingers. Even gingers whose hair leans more toward brown than true red. And I like his trait set, which includes Inappropriate, Night Owl,  Brooding, and Handy. His LTW is the alchemist one to max Alchemy and use 50 potions. That should be fun.  So, yeah, he has locked Tamira in as heir, though there is the risk she won't ever wish to marry him. But the chances she will wish it are very high, since she's family oriented. You will be mine to play with, Jamie Lancaster!

Suchandra and Suresh are also mourning for Darleen, but they still come to the birthday party.

Darshan's wife Monica is also in mourning for her mother.

"No one here even remembers her!"

That's not true Monica. I'm sure Suchandra remembers your parents woohooing in his bed at one of his early parties in Gen 1. For all we know you were conceived in the same bed as your husband.

"That's more than I wanted to know..."

Grieving and cheering, the party guests gather around the cake.

The Inappropriate Sims point and laugh.

And Tamira becomes a YA, gaining the Flirty trait.

Timothy grabs Sitara in a play for my attention. "Look at us, we'd make a great heir & spouse couple!"

Hey, Tim, nomming on Sitara's forehead wins you no points. Just sayin'

"It's not my fault the animations don't line up!"

"Move along. Nothing to see here," Suchandra photo bombs Tim and Sitara's fail kiss.

"The magic voice just bough me a new double bed," Tamira whispers suggestively in Jamie's ear.

I did just buy her a new bed, and painted Suresh's old bedroom in lilac, her favorite color. But the couple decide to woohoo in her parents' bed instead.

Kairavi and Josue also decide that this is the best room to pillow fight.

Don't stop what you're doing, any of you.

Jamie wonders if this could possibly get any more embarrassing.

Then Kiran comes in to ask Jamie how his day has been. So, that's a yes, this can get more embarrassing.

"My day? Well, I just woohooed with your daughter in your bed in front of one of your teen daughters and her boyfriend."

And, the dark side os the Inappropriate trait comes out as Josue hurls a random insult at Kairavi.

"I can't believe this house. You people woohoo just anywhere, in anyone's bed!"

Kiran and Chelsea's lovey-dovey star watching makes Monica want to puke. (Actually, Monica is pregnant again. I got the pop up this morning.)

That night, Tamira sleeps alone in her new double bed, dreaming about her future. 

You have to do more than dream about it, you have to wish for it. Please. Soon. I'm picking an heir tomorrow.

Next morning, Tamira wishes to play with a snake. So we go find one to play with. That's one more for the LTW.

Don't worry, it's just a garter snake. It's not poisonous.

Ah, the life of the unemployed and wealthy. Tamira rolls wishes to be a firefighter, to join the music career and to be a painter. Since she's a virtuoso, she takes the musician gig. But she still had this whole day off with nothing much to do. She has a wish to jam with Jamie, but he's at work in the science career.

So, skinny dipping with Mom.

You both have perfectly good swim wear, you know.

"You've been a YA for almost a whole day now, Tamira. Why aren't you engaged yet?" Chelsea helpfully nags her daughter.


 I had been preparing to do an heir vote, so I took CAS pictures of all the girls as YA for that. Now, I'm pretty sure I will be going with Tamira, trusting that she'll bring Jamie into my control anytime now. So, no heir vote. But I might as well share the pictures.

The younger three are actually pretty much identical except for coloring, and take heavily after Chelsea. Tamira takes more after Kiran.


  1. Aww sorry to hear about Darleen. Chelsea had a one tracked mind there. :P Guess she wasn't that close to her mother in law.

    Jamie's not bad looking and will probably provide very nice looking heirs for the next gen.

    You were plagued with the invisible sims too. I haven't had that, but i do get the slow loading of my items so they will be grayed out for a while.

    The skinny dipping with family always creeps me out especially when they roll wants for it. I don't get it. EA is really messed up on that.

    Question for my heir am I able to move on to gen 2 once my founder reaches their LTW or do I have to wait on the spouse as well? Wasn't sure how that worked.

    1. Only Darleen's husband and children mourned her. Even her granddaughters weren't affected by her death. But they never did close to her. I invited her to all the parties, but she mostly didn't show up for them, so she never got close with the kids.
      It was sad to see her go. There's been a mass dying off of the premades lately. Everyone that was a YA in town when I started has been dying off.

      Jamie is my type, lol. And it helps that Tamira has a more interesting personality than her sisters. Sitara is gorgeous, but her wishes are so bland. Kairavi has two crappy traits and two average traits. Kesari has some great traits for a wishacy, but I'm not waiting around for her to grow up.

      I don't get too many invisible Sims, but that performer didn't want to show himself, lol.

      Tamira actually rolled a wish to skinny dip with her father when she was still a teen. EA really did some sloppy work with that and also with that attraction system from I think it was Seasons. They put in no checks for age or relationship, so Sims are rolling inappropriate wishes to skinny dip, and getting attraction hearts for relatives.

      You only have to have the founder reach the LTW. It doesn't matter if the spouse never gets it,

  2. * Wieners the national food. LMAO!
    * Yes, the 'magic voice' is weak on gingers, aren't you? And skipping ahead DAYUM! He turned out nice esp in nothing but his underwear... more on that later of course.
    * More invisible sims! See?! It's that invisibility experiment gone horribly wrong! It's become contagious! Everyone to the science facility to get inoculated before it's too late! (Just watch out that you don't get abducted by those pesky Landgraabs lol)
    * pudding?
    * Oh no! Darleen died! I guess them's the breaks when you're a lowly human.
    * Yes, Timothy, you're cute, but 'the voice' likes redheads and a redhead you are not. Even IF your girlfriend was my favorite, slow tho she may be.
    * Chelsea wants woohoo as much as my Adam does. Is that all some sims think about?! Yes. There I answered my own question.
    * LMAO! More pigtails omg they ALL age up with them? What is up with that?! I guess you're just lucky that way that you have to go into CAS all the time (for me that's risking a crash). Yeah, loads of sarcasm with the 'lucky you' thing. That sucks really.
    * NOW onto the woohoo in her parents bed. >:) That was so awesome! You must have that mod where they don't shoo everyone out. Then Kiran walks in to ask him about his day! holy crap LMAO! Yeah, that shot of him standing in front of the bed in only his undies.... :P gimme gimme gimme :P LOL
    * More awkward skinny dipping. ugh. crazy sims

    As usual, this was great. Very nice to TRY to drink my coffee with this... um... morning (it's almost noon but it's summer vacation and I had nowhere to go this morning.) I had to frequently stop drinking or I'd spit sugary coffee all over everything. :)

    1. So weak on gingers! So many times I've chosen an heir just based on them having red hair. And the rest of Jamie is good looking too.
      LOL, we can't be certain that the invisibility experiment gone wrong wasn't actually all part of MorcuCorp's evil plan.
      'Pudding' is a term that started being used right as Sims 3 came out, to refer to the soft, round blandness of the standard EA generated Sims. Some people use 'pudding' for any Sims 3 Sim, but I only use it to refer those generated by the game.
      Darleen did succumb to old age. All the premades who were YA at the start of the game have been dying off lately. It' just their time.
      Timothy is cute, and definitely could be in the running. But, the red hair always gets me.
      It is possible to tune wohooer so woohoo is less attractive...but why would I want to do that? ;D
      Everyone ages up with the pig tails! It's getting ridiculous. I am lucky that I don't have crashing issues with CAS.
      I don't have a special mod for privacy, but here's a settingin woohooer where you can turn off privacy. I think I must have set it to off, lol.
      If you'd like, I can post Jamie for DL when I post Tamira.
      Thanks so muuch!

  3. "(To Gemma, as far as I know, Jamie's dad, Donovan Steel, is not related to Christopher Steel.)"
    You literally read my mind. I just happened to have those brackets just off screen. I read his name and was like "Hmmm.. I wonder..." Scrolled a little and nearly died laughing.
    He does look very similar... Suspicious...

    Love how Chelsea kept nagging for woohoo! Ahaaaaaa!! No, Chels, it's not the right time!
    I hate when you get to the point in a legacy where gen 1 founders start dying off! It feels like the point of no return or something. Makes me miss sims 2 where I'd just move my heir out and in the end the entire town was related, but the founders never died!

    Those pigtails... I'm actually kinda excited for the next birthday in... Wait... I don't have birthdays. Everyone in my SV is now a supe. Hm. Except Shaena and Alex, but Alex just had his last birthday (I didn't realise he was *that* old!) and didn't get pigtails.

    Sims and their skinny dipping!! I discovered they can skinny dip in the pool as well! I don't know if that came with Late Night, or was added later, because I very rarely have a pool on the lot or go to the public pool. Maybe I should actually explore the game at some point? I've only had pets in my pets tester, that's how little I've used that EP! So will enjoy seeing all these minor pets. Are some of the snakes poisonous?!

    I have NRaas Shooless (which I assume was the cause of all that drama in the bedroom), but I only have bathroom interactions disabled? enabled? (as the ones they don't shoo for) for that exact reason!
    Although, my toddlers 'explore around' constantly, and have walked in on their parents several times... :| I hate that they don't care!

    Think I've rambled enough now.

    Tim is a cutie, and Jamie is on equal par IMO, but I like dark hair.
    C'mon Tamira!! Roll that wish!

    1. Oh, and I don't have a prom mod, so I don't know about that. I'll watch the motives when I next have a prom. Maybe it broke with 1.50? I can't remember if my last prom was before or after that, and whether I even looked at the motives.

    2. Yeah, I was suspicious about Donovan Steel's ancestry too. that's why I looked it up. His bio says his father was a cop, and I sort of remember Chris Steel being a cop, but his wiki says he's unemployed, so SP might have made him a cop in my SV, but that's not canon.
      Anyway, Don Steel was a deadbeat, I remember him getting the pop ups about not paying his child support.
      Poor Jamie! LOL

      Chelsea did actually drag Kiran into bed (or the hot tub) several times during his mourning phase. I just thought it was funny that he'd bring up the mourning speech every time she initiated it.

      Alex is not awesome enough for pigtails. The pigtails would not be seen on a lousy Sim like him. LOL.

      Yeah, skinny dipping in pools came with LN. But the Sims seem more attracted to skinny dipping in the hot tub autonomously.

      When I first got pets, my legacy house was full of minor pets. None of the snakes are poisonous. I hope Tamira rolls enough wishes for them to fulfill her LTW. I'm a little nervous about that.

      I don't use shooless, but as I was just saying to mypal, I have my woohooer privacy settings set to off. They still shoo Simsout of the bathroom to pee.

      I agree, Tim is just as cute as Jamie. And I like dark hair. My favorite is red, obviously, but next are black/dark browns. Blond is last, lol. Though my Brannon legacy has become very blond, hasn't it?

      Prom has always been broken, I remember complaining about that right after Gen came out. I'm going to look around for that mod.

  4. LMAO at Sitara and Tim's awkward kissing. Apparently Sitara's forehead is an erogenous zone, just look at that O face. LOL! I admit I did stare at Tim a lot during this, I think he grew up hot. Plus, Tim has a lip ring, and I'm a sucker for that look. I'm okay with Suchandra walking in front of the camera. Oh yeah. He's still the sexiest grandfather ever. Jamie is not bad though, he's cute, I like his mouth and his eyes. Hehehe, inappropriate Sims laughing at things makes me laugh.
    That pic of Tamira and the snake, it kind of looked like she was trying to eat it... or kiss it...
    Good grief, Chelsea, Kiran is mourning. Keep it in your pants.
    Invisible Sims? Ok, I have one too, but I don't know why. I have no mods that eliminate certain careers.
    The skinny dipping is getting weird... I've had Sims want to skinny dip with their grandpas... while they're a teenager. WTF? *fake throw up*

    1. Sitara did seem to be enjoying the forehead nomming.
      Tim did grow up nicely. And that look does suit him.
      Suchandra is a sexy grandpa.
      Jamie does have a nice mouth, and I love his eyes.
      Tamira was snuggling that snake. They do that with all the minor pets. It's funniest when it's a turtle, imo. And the snake did bite her.
      Chelsea will never keep it n her pants. Never!
      Invisible Sims usually comes from them not rendering when you zoom over to them. You can use use Nraas Debugger to fix invisible Sims but I didn't bother with the juggler. It's Nraas Stpry Progression that allows you to turn off certain careers. Well, it's more like you can set it to forbid SP assigning certain careers to inactives. I've set it so they can't take Showtime or Amb careers (except firefighter if I have a fire station), and I also turn off self-employment for inactives, because SP willpush them to work on their career and then they don't show up to your parties.
      Yeah, the skinny dipping wishes were really sloppily implemented. They did even bother putting in checks for age or relation.

  5. Jamie is really cute! I can see why you like him. I loved the *inappropriate* sims picture, where they were pointing and laughing, lol I think my brother has that trait... :D

    Did she kiss that snake? Or did it bite her? And what in the world were those gnomes doing by the playground equipment in that pic with Tamira and her mom skinny dipping?? Looks kind of suspicious to me, lol :P

    I love Kiran and the slot machine, and all his campaign promises. He knows his family well!

    All three turned out lovely. =)

    Tamira---you know you want to marry him---just go ahead and wish for it already, lol

    1. Thanks, Nirar! Jamie is cute.
      Inappropriate Sims are fun, sometimes.

      She kissed that snake and it bit her. Well, she didn't kiss it, but they bring them close to their face to snuggle them. And sometimes they get bitten for it.

      Those gnomes are always up to something.

      Kiran does know exactly what promises to make to get his campaign contributions, lol.

      I know, I had a great choice of heirs this generation.

      I'm hoping Tamira rolls that wish soon. I have plans for them, but I can't do it until she wishes for it, lol.

  6. Aw! I liked Sitara and Tim, but I'm a sucker for black hair and lip rings :P
    Inappropraite sims are always hilarious aren't they? You never know if their going to be helpful or just insult everyone.

    1. I like black hair and lip rings, too. But Sitara rolls really boring wishes. I think Tamira will be more fun.
      I may end up doing what I did with Kiran and Suresh, keeping Sitara (and Tim if she wishes to marry him) with Tamira for awhile, until they have too many kids for me to deal with.
      I'm looking forward to having an Inappropriate spouse. =D

    2. I think that's a good idea :) Gotta keep the pretty ones around don't cha ;)
      But I do like Tamira, she seems like a interesting character to play with.

  7. "My day? Well, I just woohooed with your daughter in your bed in front of one of your teen daughters and her boyfriend." The life of a sim! I'm happy with the heir choice, not sure who I would have voted for any ways! Probably Sitara, I like the name.

    Wait, did Darleen die!? What the...You've killed off my favorite character :/

    1. Thanks, Aeon! Sitara was in the lead for awhile, because she is so pretty. But her wishes have been kind of bland, so I'm more excited about Tamira as heir. And I'm looking forward to having Jamie as the spouse in the house.
      But I may keep Sitara around for awhile, too.

      Darleen did die. =(
      Grim has ben busy in LP lately, as all the premades have become elders. Some nights, he's having to harvest two or three of them. He may have to hire an assistant.

  8. Aw, I like Timothy's looks. Curse your weakness for gingers! :P

    Lol at Chelsea's "woohoo nao?" attitude!

    "Don't stop what you're doing, any of you" made me crack up! XD

    1. I like Timothy too. And he does have his fans here. But, the gingers always get me.
      Chelsea is all about woohoo nao. But at least she's not as baby crazy as Darleen.
      I cracked up that both couples continued what they were doing without even noticing what was going on around them.

  9. RIP Darleen. Though as I thought, it was interesting to see how long it took Suchandra to move on, and whom with. Will Kiran get a sibling out of their relationship?

    Phew! Jaimie is indeed pretty! So glad he'll most likely be sticking around. Though I cracked up at Sitara and Timothy's play for first place. Suresh has influenced his niece well I'm sure. King of the Universe. *snort

    The knives juggling themselves was fantastic! I have those careers turned off too. What a nightmare then end up being on the game!

    And which lipstick did you use on Tamira? I like that. And yay for a party woohoo! Heir or no, it was nice to see it's still happenin'. lol

    1. It's possible Kiran might end up with another sibling, though it would be weird for Tamira, because if she marries Jamie, Suchandra having a kid with Jamie's mother would make it her uncle and brother-in-law at once.
      Also., Alisha has never been one for settling down. She was on-again, off-again with Jamie's dad and dated a lotof guys. I've gotten a few pops about her dating other guys besides Suchandra lately, too.

      Yay, a Jamie supporter. My spares do love to play for 1st place, lol. And Timothy has decided to be in on it.

      I wish I knew a way to thoroughly disable the SHT thing. No one who lives in the neighborhood has those jobs, but it force spawns a homeless Sim to be in the careers. It's one guy, and evry day he gets shuffled between the 3 careers and goes around town performing for tips. Grrr.

      I have exactly one CC lipstick and I use it on every female Sim. It's by Hysterical Paroxysm at MTS. It's extremely versatile, because you can make it look anywhere between matte and ultra glossy just by changing the highlight color.

  10. First of all, if you do her LTW this way, it will never get done. LTW are done no matter what since that is their ultimate wish you have to fulfill.

    I don't allow the stupid Showtime junk either, but they still are around. (grr!).

    I prefer Timothy. I don't really care for the other guy, but Tamira turned out so well that I guess I can deal with him.

    Rip, Darleen D: LOL at the fail kiss and all the woohoo fails (and successes).

    I have to agree, skinny dipping with your family is just a tad over the line. It's even worse when a mom wishes it when she holds her newborn for the first time.

    So much traffic for that woohoo. Hysterical!

    1. Oh, thanks, Jenn!I thought you had to wait on wishes to do the LTW. That makes it much easier.

      Another vote for Tim. Well, I will have a big announcement next chapter (tomorrow) that Tim fans will be happy about.

      It was sad to lose Darleen.She was a lot of fun.
      The fail kiss was LOL.

      LOL, I don't care if it's a wishacy, I;m indulging in any weird incestuous skinny dipping wishes. Jut no happening.

      My Sims have no shame at all, lol.

    2. My ending generation wishacy heiress was a singer. She never wanted to go sing, but I had to force her because it was her LTW.

      Tim <3! I am so excited for tomorrow all of a sudden.

      I took out SP and altered my woohoo settings in some of my saves. Oh boy. My castaways had a household of 26.

  11. Technically, you aren't supposed to direct them to do actions that would lead them to fulfill their LTW unless they wish for it. That's kind of the point, and you "fail" or "lose" if your heir/heiress doesn't complete their LTW. For what it's worth. :) Otherwise, it wouldn't be a challenge.

    1. Thanks for the clarification! I may have to change Tamira's LTW then.

    2. No problem. :) I had to do the same thing with at least 2 of my heirs, once I saw they were not going to make it to their goal before they died. LTR points FTW!!!

  12. Aw too bad for Timothy. I like him ;0)
    Suchandra, poor guy, lost his lovely wife.... hopefully he will find something(one) to keep him occupied. Jamie had some day! First time with his girlfriend and he has an audience *L* And then the Dad... Maybe he will give him pointers. ^_^

    1. Ah, don't worry, Tim will be back. And Suchandra won't stay lonely for long.
      Anyone who lives in that house will have to get used to woohooing with an audience. There's no privacy, ever, lol.
